MESHS lien vers la MESHS

modifié le: 2009-07-03

This year’s RPPW will host a half-day workshop on techniques in data collection and analysis for timing and synchronisation experiments, at the University of Lille Nord de France (Lille3 - Musicology Department) on the 15th of July, from 2pm to 6:30pm.


 Workshop program for July 15th

“Movement Synchronisation in Time ad Space: Techniques for Data Collection and Analysis”


To download the program, please click here.


In the session, four researchers will present state of the art software tools and methods that have allowed them to successfully complete timing experiments requiring millisecond accuracy in presentation and capture of data.  

Following the talks, hands-on sessions will allow the attendees to try out the methods themselves and learn how to incorporate them into their own experiments.  In addition, motion capture experts, Qualisys, will be on hand to provide advice on capturing three dimensional movement data in synchronisation experiments.

This will be an informal workshop, allowing plenty of time for discussion and sharing of techniques between the timing research community.


 How to get here?

Musicology department, University of  Lille3,  Villeneuve d’Ascq

Metro line 1, station: Pont de bois

 The way will be posted from the metro station to the entrance of the musicologie department (entrée musicologie).